The International Maarif School of Bucharest had the honor of celebrating its third graduating class!
The International Maarif School of Bucharest had the honor of celebrating its third graduating class!

The International Maarif School of Bucharest had the honor of celebrating its third graduating class!

May 31, 2024

The International Maarif School of Bucharest bid farewell to its third graduating class with great pride and enthusiasm. The ceremony, held on May 27, was attended by students, their families, and many distinguished guests. His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Bucharest, Özgür Kıvanç Altan, honored the ceremony with his presence and, in his speech, praised the school's achievements and wished the graduating students success in their future lives.

National Representative Alparslan Ateş mentioned in his speech that the students would achieve significant global successes with the knowledge and skills they acquired here. "The students graduating today will represent our country and our school in the best possible way in the future," he said.

The graduating students also experienced emotional moments during the ceremony. In their speeches, they thanked their teachers and families. The students expressed their hopes and excitement for the future, emphasizing that this graduation is not an end, but a new beginning.

The ceremony concluded with the students throwing their caps and taking photos with their families. The celebration continued with a cocktail offered to the guests. The International Maarif School of Bucharest continues to take pride in its educational successes and the achievements of its students.

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