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Lower Secondary

Middle school/ Lower Secondary level serves as a crucial bridge between the foundational years of primary education and the more specialized focus of high school. It plays a pivotal role in the educational journey of students, providing them with the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary for success in their academic endeavors and beyond.

During the middle school years, students undergo significant physical, emotional, and cognitive development. It's a time of transition and exploration, where they begin to discover their interests, strengths, and passions. Middle school not only equips students with academic skills but also fosters social-emotional growth, resilience, and independence.

When enrolling your child/ children at IMSB, as a parent, you have the choice between the Middle School Programme offered by the National Section (Romanian Curriculum), which covers grades 5 to 8, or the Lower Secondary Programme offered by the International Section (Cambridge Curriculum), which covers grades 6 to 8.

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