Nurturing Dreams: A Chronicle of Two Maarif Generations

Nurturing Dreams: A Chronicle of Two Maarif Generations

Nurturing Dreams: A Chronicle of Two Maarif Generations

Nurturing Dreams: A Chronicle of Two Maarif Generations

March 07, 2024

Dear Maarif Community,

As we walk through the cool vibes of Liceul International Maarif School of Bucharest, remembering all the good times from another year wrapping up, I find myself compelled to share a deeply personal perspective on the incredible journey of two generations of Maarif students. 

Through my lens as their teacher, I've had the privilege of witnessing dreams taking flight and becoming reality.

In the first picture, I am surrounded by the representatives of our first generation of graduates. So, we've got four of them deep into the wild world of medicine. Yep, they're in their second year, battling textbooks and stethoscopes like total champs. And guess what? The fifth in the crew? Well, she is tackling the academic challenge at Politehnica, one of the toughest universities globally. No biggie, right?

Flashback to grade 12, and we were in for a ride—laughter, pandemic rollercoasters, and facing all the challenges brought by probably the most difficult exam board. We weren't just students and a teacher; we were a Maarif family, taking on the world together. 

Time for a round of applause for the second-gen crew. Again, me, surrounded by these amazing Maarif graduates. Not just their Bio teacher, but also their homeroom teacher. Some are diving deep into the wonders of medicine, others sketching dreams in the world of architecture, a few are rocking the tech world as computer science gurus, and hey, we've got some future management maestros in the mix too. Can you say diverse much? 

Now, rewind a bit with me. When I joined Maarif, the school was just taking its first steps—one year old only. Talk about diving into the deep end, right? But trust was handed to me, and I passed that trust on to these incredible students. trust in themselves and trust in their dreams. It was like planting seeds and watching them sprout into something incredible.

These guys aren't just students; they're a powerhouse of inspiration. And guess what? I'm still riding the wave with them, catching up, hearing their stories, and seeing them evolve into future rockstars in their fields. It's like having front-row seats to the best show in town, and it's all real.

Much like the mitochondria within our cells, these students play a pivotal role in energizing and driving the vitality of Maarif. The mitochondria, often hailed as the powerhouse of the cell, generate the energy necessary for life processes. Similarly, our graduates are the driving force behind the vigour and dynamism that characterize our Maarif community. 

Remember high school, I ask them!!Well, first, it was all, "Can't wait to complete it, it is so difficult!" Fast forward, and now they're dropping, "I miss high school." 

What's common between these two generations of graduates? More than just books and grades—it's about personal values, rock-solid beliefs, pure souls, and a bond that can weather any storm. 

As a teacher, it's not just about quizzes and exams. It's about firing them up to find their groove, tackle life's crazy twists, roll with the punches, and keep trucking. Life ain't all rainbows, but that's what makes it beautiful.

What binds all the teachers in our community together? It's the shared dedication to shaping not just bright minds but compassionate, resilient, and inspired individuals who can make a positive impact on the world. 

Looking at our champs in these 2 pics, my heart does a happy dance. It melts, but it also gives me the mojo to go back to my current students and be their cheerleader. And here's the real Maarif magic: no labels—no religion, no nationality, no skin colour. We're all in this together.

Perfection? Nah, overrated. I tell my students, "Don't aim for perfection, aim for happiness and kindness." 

Now, get ready for round three of Maarif awesomeness! Seeing these future legends, I'm sure we're doing something right. They're gonna shine, and we, as teachers, are gonna keep the Maarif spirit alive and kicking!

Yours, with all my heart, whenever and wherever you need me! I'm Valentina Stanescu, and my heartfelt wish is to be more than just a teacher – to be a cherished family member and a steadfast confidant for our kids!


Admin written by 07 March 2024
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