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Welcome to the Middle School level of our Romanian Curriculum! At this pivotal stage of education, we empower students to excel academically, develop critical thinking skills, and embrace lifelong learning. Our comprehensive curriculum is thoughtfully designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in the future. Core subjects such as Romanian language and literature, mathematics, science, and social studies form the foundation of our program, ensuring that students acquire essential knowledge and skills in these key areas. Additionally, our curriculum includes enrichment programs in arts, music, technology, and foreign languages, allowing students to explore their interests and talents beyond the traditional classroom setting.

At the heart of our Middle School curriculum is a commitment to fostering creativity, curiosity, and innovation. Through interactive lessons, hands-on projects, and collaborative activities, students are encouraged to think critically, solve problems, and express themselves confidently. Our dedicated teachers provide personalized support and guidance, creating a nurturing learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.Furthermore, our Middle School curriculum emphasizes the development of essential life skills, such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability, to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. By integrating real-world applications and interdisciplinary learning experiences, we equip students with the knowledge and competencies they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

At the end of Grade 8, IMSB students sit the national assessment ”Evaluarea Națională” exams in Romanian and Mathematics, which offer a clear indicator of their ranking among their peers at both state and private educational institutions in Romania.

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