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At the end of Grade 8, IMSB students sit the national assessment ”Evaluarea Națională” exams in Romanian and Mathematics, which offer a clear indicator of their ranking among their peers at both state and private educational institutions in Romania.

Students typically aged between 11 to 14 years study a broad range of subjects taught according to Cambridge Assessment International Examinations syllabi, with the specific intent of supporting them in self-discovery and inquiry, as well as developing their general knowledge which will allow them to make an informed choice for Grade 9 concerning the subjects they wish to pursue at a more advanced level.

International Maarif School of Bucharest’s educational offer for Lower Secondary includes Romanian on choice with Turkish as First Language, Cambridge Checkpoint English as a Second Language, Cambridge Checkpoint Mathematics, Cambridge Checkpoint Science, Cambridge Checkpoint ICT, as well as Arabic and French as Foreign Languages, Cambridge Checkpoint Global Perspectives and Geography. Music, Art and Physical Education also play an important role in developing the well-balanced individuals we wish our students to become.

At the end of the Lower Secondary cycle, Grade 8 students sit their Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint exams in English, Mathematics and Science, being assessed from the content studied in Grades 6 to 8. Individual and class reports per subject provided by Cambridge indicate the level of achievement of our students and their preparedness for their next stage of education, the Upper Secondary IGCSE, which begins in Grade 9.

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